Dining Table And Chairs How To Match To Better Show Personality

Is there anyone like me, want to give the home dining table with different dining chairs?

Compared to the copy-and-paste combination of dining table and chairs, a variety of fancy chairs “meeting” scene looks much more interesting. And yourself, as a chair collector, this feeling seems to be good!

So, how to match the dining table with different modern dining chairs? Suggest that you divide into four steps.

Step 1: collect the favorite dining chairs, build a library of material

Usually see the seats you like can be collected, the more you collect the better!

It is best to have a dining table and dining chairs put together pictures, with a reference, the heart will be more spectrum.

Simple And Fashionable Plastic Backrest Chair

Step 2: According to the home style to confirm the key elements and priorities

Dining chairs contain elements that can be broken down into three dimensions: material, form, color.

① material: rattan, wood, leather, brass, metal, plastic

② Form: shell fan-shaped, ant-shaped

③ color: black, white, metallic, wood color

All you have to do is to select 2-4 elements in the above dimensional categories that must appear in the chair selection

For example.

If the home is mainly in the Southern style, the material can choose rattan, wood, metal, the color choice of brown color.

If the home leans toward the French style, you can choose the shell fan, curved, white, brass elements.

If you want the Chinese antique style, you can consider transparent acrylic material.

Of course, you say your home is going to mix and match style, that’s fine to do. By confirming the priority of favorite elements, you can find the right chair selection faster, such as rattan elements > shell arc > leather texture > natural wood.

Step 3: Choose the right chair from the material library

Which chair is favored in the end?

Among the many chairs, choose the one that meets the requirements according to the elements as well as the priority.

Step 4: multiple chairs with the final photo to confirm the effect

1, the simplest with.

Rule: the only variable

In the [color, material, form] three major variables, choose one of the variables can be changed

For example, the material + form are unchanged, the color changes

2, a little idea of matching

Rule: the only non-variable

Keep one of the three variables [color, material, form] unchanged, and the other variables are the same.

In the color is the same, all choose black dining chairs.

The material is the same, are selected rattan + stainless steel elements of the dining chairs.

Of course, you can also choose a dining chair with the same form (ps: can be a partial form, such as stainless steel curved chair legs).

3, high-end players with

Rule: the same variables between two

Between every two chairs have the same elements

For example: chair 1 and chair 2 with similar chair legs, chair 2 and chair 3 with similar color and rattan elements, chair 3 and chair 4 with similar form and rattan elements.

Dining chairs with tips.

If the dining table with 4 dining chairs, it is recommended that the exact same, or two two diagonally the same.

If the dining table with 5 dining chairs, it is recommended that 23 open, that is, two of them and the other three are best to have a certain number of elements consistent with each other, visually will be more coordinated.

Note that more than 5 chairs with together, it is recommended that each chair contains not too many elements, otherwise the whole fancy, the whole space is a mess!

In general, to the dining table with dining chairs, not only to buy a good, but also to match well. Master these matching laws, live and learn, the effect of different dining chairs will be more colorful. Of course, soft furnishings vary from person to person, see the wisdom of the people, they like is the most important.

Post time: Dec-12-2022